Monthly Archives: August 2013

Berlin – Deutschland



I’ve been away for too long! … I am “from away” right now as I begin to call Germany home for the next year to year and a half! It still feels a bit surreal and yet great at the same time.
Lots more to come when I have my laptop and Internet set up! Tschüss everyone!

Happy Belated Friends Day!


Happy Belated Friends Day!

Well, I woke up this morning to learn that I missed a holiday that I would have loved to join in on: National Friendship Day! … I love cheesy, love-filled little-known holidays 🙂

In honor of Friendship/Friends Day I am sharing a photo of myself with my siblings. I know that they say that you can’t pick your family, but you can pick your friends and everyone who says that is right. I have said that too. I am wicked lucky though and my family is full of some of my best friends.
It is almost like a package deal, but instead of “batteries included” I have “friends included”! I am really blessed, I know.

I also know that I am going to miss my three younger brothers and sister terribly while I am away. The added quote from “Winnie the Pooh” sums it up nicely though and I am and will always be there, regardless of what life brings.

Family is forever, so it looks like I have four amazing friends for life!

To all my friends and family… I love you! Thank you for your support, your love, and the memories we share XO I look forward to many more great times together!

Bridge of Flowers


The Bridge of Flowers is a place of peaceful beauty. In Shelburne Falls, this bridge attracts tourists from all over the world, filling them up with wonder and delight. I have not been here in years when it is in bloom. Before flying off to Germany I wanted to make sure to grab some photos to bring to Europe with me. I came to visit my grandma today and enjoyed this incredible view 🙂 I hope you enjoy it too!

(Photos taken with my iPhone)
